niepie: elementary school

On May 26, 2005, at 6:36 PM, a star was born. Me! I came into this world kicking (even though it was a relatively easy pregnancy, according to my mom) and have been kicking it ever since. Niepie is the nickname my Dad gave me as a little girl, and in some ways, I still feel like that little girl. The little four-year-old driving little tikes cars in the backyard of her pre-school. The little five-year-old loved dancing on her Ummi and Baba’s scratchy couch. The little eight-year-old teaching her American Girl Dolls the 50 state capitals. Welcome to Niepie, my pre-school and elementary school years.

  • Photography

    Photos of me and all my birthdays

  • Video

    The Scrapbook of Our Friendship commenting on iconic photos from Ms. Lala’s, Girl Scouts, and early MBDC days

  • Writing

    Leaving Ms. Lala entering PS 193

  • Writing

    Essay on my infatuation with American girl dolls

  • Writing

    Tiny Childhood Stories: Ten 100 word or less stories from friends about their childhood