niepie: elementary school
On May 26, 2005, at 6:36 PM, a star was born. Me! I came into this world kicking (even though it was a relatively easy pregnancy, according to my mom) and have been kicking it ever since. Niepie is the nickname my Dad gave me as a little girl, and in some ways, I still feel like that little girl. The little four-year-old driving little tikes cars in the backyard of her pre-school. The little five-year-old loved dancing on her Ummi and Baba’s scratchy couch. The little eight-year-old teaching her American Girl Dolls the 50 state capitals. Welcome to Niepie, my pre-school and elementary school years.
Photos of me and all my birthdays
The Scrapbook of Our Friendship commenting on iconic photos from Ms. Lala’s, Girl Scouts, and early MBDC days
Leaving Ms. Lala entering PS 193
Essay on my infatuation with American girl dolls
Tiny Childhood Stories: Ten 100 word or less stories from friends about their childhood